Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Single Again

i dont believe it! not a bit at all but guess in the field of relationship, nothing is logical nor rational.

ever since my school started, i hv been very busy but still i met up with angie at least once a week if not twice or thrice, usually on weekends.

we did the usual stuff, catch a movie, watch dvd at home, shopping, eating out, clubbing n making out.

although we did say from the start that our relationship is dispensible without any commitment whatsoever but when the feeling is no longer there and the heart changes, theres no turning back.

now i am single again n dont think i wl be feeling sad over this sour relationship for too long. what is done cannot be undone. just hope that she is happy with her choice.

i shall decide later whether i will be attending her wedding dinner or not when the date is nearer.

though it was a total shock to me when she gave me her wedding invitation card last weekend, i know i hv to let her go.

yes, her wedding news did break my heart but again, i have loved her before and now that she is getting married, i know i hv to get use to not able to be with her again.

since its her choice, and loving her is to let her go

i wl be fine, i reckon...

perhaps letting her go is the best option after all. true love is waiting for you out there.
move on... take care ok? :)
the call is not in my hand but i respect her decision.

yeah, i wl move on. i m glad that we have had many good moments together :)
its always good to have some happy memories.. remember the good n forget the bad.. Life is short!! :)
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