Thursday, February 11, 2010


Single Once Again

i m single again

my last girlfriend is history

guess it's my fault as i was always asking for sex when we meet but honestly, asking for sex once a week is too much meh? maybe to some

she's a nice girl but what more can i say? what more can i do?

i wish her luck n for me, let's see if i am lucky again to find myself a good girlfriend

you failed to heed my advice, as written in the linked post. Tsk tsk. Which part of my advice do you not get? If you have a frigid gf, you can always "eat out" and such filial (your word) gals are usually good wife/mother material. So you have the best of both world. If you have a gf of high libido, she will be the one who "eat" out behind your back and apart from that, such horny gals are typically not good wife/mother material to begin with. So you lose on both front. Where got so easy to find the perfect balance between "wife index" vs "mistress index"? If perfection is not in sight, you should settle for someone with high "wife index" and low "mistress index" rather than the other way round!

You no listen to me, you in for regrets later in life. tsk tsk.
LOL!!! I don't know what to say. You make me laugh with this post. You are cute!

Sista Ling;-)
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