Wednesday, May 11, 2011


GE 2011 over liao

finally, the long anticipated Singapore GE 2011 is finally over and done.

though the men in white loses 6 seats (1 smc n 1 grc), they r still in power.

wat pissed me off totally is when the anti-white supporters started shooting, insulting the white supporters openly in internet, fb etc

come on, u support oppo doesn't mean i cannot support differently from u

bcos of our different views, i m labelled as a dumbass, shithead, brainless bla bla bla? u support blue n i support white doesnt mean u r a better person than i am

dun be too narrow minded la, white good, blue also good, orange also buay pai, at the end of the day, it boils down as we r all singaporeans

admit tat u were defeated, steady a bit la, jus like GY, lose means lose

don't be a fucking loser, wat petition for a re-vote? hong kan la

if every 输不起的 loser requests for a re-match then there wl be no end

u wanna a re-match? ok 5 years later come la

GE is over liao la, dont brood over it, move on ok?

not happy wif the result? vote wiser the next round lor

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